Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On sleep (again)

I've noticed that the older I've gotten, the more I think about sleep--and my lack of it. There are so many things I want to do each day that often sleep seems secondary and unimportant. I woke this morning after getting about five hours of rest, and my tingly hands and tired eyes led to today's 100 words:

I need to get more sleep. Nearly every morning, I wake up with tingly hands, something that always signals I haven't had enough rest. I've gotten myself into habits that are hard for me to break: getting up early so I can have an hour or two of quiet time and going to bed late because I like to read and write after the kids are asleep. Most nights I get between four and six hours of rest, which my nearly forty-year-old body can't seem to handle anymore. Something has to give. Reading, writing... Sleep is important, too.


  1. I don't get nearly enough sleep either, but it's because a couple of years ago my body thought it would be fun to give insomnia a try.

    1. That must have been horrible! I can't even imagine...

  2. When you have kids, sleep is usually hard to get, but the phase passes as they get older...then you go grey.

  3. Sleep is on my mind more and more often these days, too. It feels like sleep is a waste of time that could be spent doing "useful" things, but really? I'm impaired in my ability to do useful things when I don't get sleep, which means it's much more useful than it seems at first glimpse! :)

    1. I agree--there are so many other things we could do instead of sleeping. But you're absolutely right: we can't do those other things well without getting enough sleep. What a conundrum! ;)
