Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I've been having strange dreams for the past two nights, dreams about things like missing hams (I know!) and people I haven't thought about in years and friends who might not know how to use a hammer in real life suddenly flipping houses. For a long time, I either didn't dream or couldn't recall the ones I was having, so even though these dreams are strange, it's nice to know I'm dreaming again. And all writers know that sometimes story ideas lurk in dreams...


  1. It was a dream a couple of weeks ago that finally prompted me to reconsider a long-abandoned project, which I'll soon begin. Apart from that dream, my mom's been featuring in my dreams a lot the last few nights. That bit is a little less surprising!

  2. I'd forgotten how wonderful dreams are at bringing story ideas to light! I'm glad I'm dreaming again--just hoping I'll get some inspiration for my WIP soon...

    Good luck with your project!
