Wednesday, June 8, 2011


This is my first time participating in Aheila's Drabble Day. This week's prompt was garden:
The sun was hot on Ed's back, and he took off his hat, wiped the sweat from his forehead. The tilling was difficult, the soil rocky, but he did what he was told. He would be stupid not to.
He looked to his left, where exhaustion had brought Clyde to the ground, his face resting in the warmth of the earth. Ed longed to put his head down and sleep, never mind the tilling, the planting. Never mind the death.
But he wouldn't be stupid.
He jumped as he heard the click of the gun behind him. "Work!" someone shouted, and he picked up his shovel.


  1. I like what you've done with the prompt! We can feel the garden and its beauty just there, out of touch, twisted by the harshness imposed on the ones building it.
    Hope you'll be back next week!

  2. Ahelia: Thanks! And yes, I'll be back. I had a lot of fun with this piece.

    Monica: Thank you!

  3. Thanks to Ahelia for bringing out What's unsaid. V nice.

  4. Hey Dana ~ welcome to drabble land ! I found you through Aheila's blog ...
    I like your take on the prompt ~ it's different and unexpected ... nice one !

  5. excellent job, dana! glad to see you do it =)
    i'll catch the next one.

  6. Thanks a lot, mish. I had a lot of fun with this, and I'll definitely be back for more!

    Thank you, Caitlin!

    Tara, thank you--and thanks for telling me about Aheila's drabbles. Glad you'll be catching the next one!

  7. Hi Dana! I really liked this angle. The tension comes across nicely, as does the atmosphere created by your description.
    p.s. Thank you for reading and commenting on mine!

  8. Thank you, Ryan--and you're welcome! :)
