Friday, July 22, 2011

Jed's still talking!

I haven't mentioned my WIP in several weeks, so here's a quick update:

I finished outlining Jed's story and have started writing the first chapter. Things are going well so far, except for the lack of writing time I've had in the past month or so due to birthdays, visitors, vacation planning, etc. I hope to get a large chuck of the book written before I leave for Michigan next month, so I need to start that push next week. Jed's constantly yammering in my ear, and if I want my brain to myself for a while, I have to get this book written soon!


  1. Good luck with fitting in that writing time! I think we've both been scrambling for that lately. But at least Jed's stuck with you and not let you forget that he needs to be written!

  2. Thanks, Caitlin. I'm still not exactly sure how I'm going to manage it. Ugh. :)

  3. i can't wait to hear jed's story!
    you're doing a great job hyping him up!

  4. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Sometimes you might hit those dry writing patches, but I think the mark of true writer is that when the time finally comes again they sit down and get to work! :) You're definitely on the write track, and I'm with Tara, can't wait to read Jed's story.

  5. Eek--I really don't mean to be hyping him up! In fact, I woke up this morning feeling rather discouraged about the whole project. It's probably because I didn't get enough sleep, but I just wanted to tell Jed to shut up. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll feel better once I've had more rest. It's too soon to be sick of this idea...

    Thanks, Tara and Caitlin, for the encouragement!
