Thursday, August 2, 2012

Saying thank you isn't enough

I'm finally back!
Image courtesy of sundesigns,

It was a difficult few weeks, but I'm happy to say that everything turned out much, much better than I could have expected. I don't have enough words for how grateful I am for your comments, thoughts, e-mails, and prayers. It meant so much to know that others cared and were thinking of me, and I know it was that—and faith—that made the situation easier to get through. Thank you so much.

I'm happy to be back on my blog, and I'm looking forward to posting again—it's been a while! However, for a couple of reasons, I'm going to be easing my way back to daily blogging. As some of you probably know, my son will be starting kindergarten in the fall. He'll be attending all day, every day, which of course is something this mom isn't really ready to think about, much less deal with! (I'll probably cry for days.) I had wanted to spend the summer doing fun things with him and his little sister, but several situations and events prevented me from doing as much with them as I would have liked. There's a little over a month left until school starts, so my plan is to spend more time doing things with the kids, which will, sadly, leave me with a little less time for blogging.

I'm also participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this month. I'm using it to jump-start my memoir project, which I've put on the back burner for far too long. I'll spend part of the month transcribing interview notes and conducting more interviews (and then transcribing those as well). Once I see what I have to work with, I hope to get a good start on putting it all together. This project has been pretty daunting, but I'm hoping that Camp NaNo will help give me the momentum I need.

So although I may not post every day this month—(or maybe I will; who knows what the weeks will hold?)—I still plan on posting several times a week. I love blogging—it's one of my favorite outlets—and I love connecting with other people through their blogs. I'm looking forward to catching up with all of you!

Regardless of what happens with my posting this month, I'll be back full force once life settles down a little in the fall. Thank you for being patient with me and for everything you did these past several weeks. I appreciate it all more than I can say.

(And it definitely feels good to be writing again!)


  1. i was so happy to see you had posted today--i am glad you are doing better and hope you get better each new day--we all missed you so much!!!<3 ya

  2. email me and tell me how it all turned out, Mel and I were very worried about you

  3. So glad you're back! You enjoy your little kindergartener the rest of the summer!!!

  4. Welcome back! Glad everything turned out ok :)

  5. welcome back!!! I kept checking in on you!! I remember when my first child started kindergarden...i thought i would be so happy to have time to myself...I missed her way more than I expected! i kept lookingg at the clock and wondering what she was doing...I got through will too!

    1. Thanks for thinking about me. :)

      It's going to be so strange to have only one child with me during the day. I know my son will love kindergarten, but I'm just dreading it. He got his classroom assignment yesterday, and I just wanted to cry!

  6. I jumped a little when I saw that you had finally posted! I've missed you. I know it's hard for those babies to grow up but you will grow into your new normal. However, enjoy every second of the summer with them while you can. We will all still be here. Plus, most people have been horrible bloggers this summer. I think the heat is sucking the life out of us.

    1. Aw, thanks. I've missed you, too. :)

      I've been planning things to do with the kids, but even so, I can't help but count down the days until kindergarten. :( After school starts, I'll only have one kid to make lunch for--and that makes me sad...

      I'm glad, though, that I'm not the only one who's posting less frequently right now. :)

  7. Glad to have you back, Dana. :)

  8. Hey Dana, so glad to see you again. Enjoy the kids and the start of your new project. We're a patient bunch.

  9. Happy things worked out better than expected! Enjoy your little guy...summer will be over soon enough!

    1. I am, too; it was a rough time.

      You're right: summer is going by way too fast!

  10. glad to see you back but fully understand enjoy what you can and happy thoughts sent your way to get the things you want accomplished done, so we'll be here whenever you are. Take it all in and ENJOY!!

    1. Thanks, Janice! That's really good advice. :)

  11. Welcome back! I think August is meant for taking time off. With school just around the corner, I know I like to just be with the kids as much as possible!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Have a great time with your kids!

  12. We're happy to have you back! And I can't believe the school year is so close now. My son starts preschool. His first year, and it's only two mornings a week, but it'll be rough for both of us the first weeks.

    1. Thanks!

      Preschool was hard for me, too. My son also went for two mornings a week, and dropping him off at the school was so hard for me at the beginning. He had no problem with it, though! :)

  13. Dana, so great to see you in my google reader! It's good to hear that some things have resolved for you. Life is just hard sometime. I know you will come to love your time alone w/ your little one once your older one is in school. And you will be so proud of what he brings home, and excited to hear details of his day. Glad you are OK!

    1. Thanks, mare. I feel like I've come back home. :)

      Thanks, too, for the kindergarten encouragement. I know you're right, but it'll probably take me some time to get used to dropping him off each day--just like it did when I started bringing him to preschool last year. Yikes!

  14. Welcome back and I'm glad things are getting better for you and everyone you love.

  15. So glad you're back! I missed you!

  16. Glad you are back and can't wait for your Camp NaNoWriMo postings!

    1. Thanks! :) I'll post an update soon. So far things are going well.

  17. So glad you're back! Sound like you handled everything with grace--you're amazing!!


  18. Thanks, Cheryl. I'm not sure how much grace I had—and I'm definitely not amazing. I relied on faith, and that got me through. :)
