Charis, still protecting her identity.
Photo by Jiri Hodan
Courtesy of Public Domain Pictures |
Happy Memorial Day, everyone!
So last night
Charis and I were talking. (Well,
I was talking. She was filing her nails and watching a rerun of
I Love Lucy. She thinks she has something in common with Lucille Ball, but other than the red hair, I just don't see it.)
Me (fists clenched and pacing in front of the computer): Charis, you've got to help me! I don't know what to write for tomorrow's blog post. It's "May I tell you something about writing?" day, and I'm out of ideas. Give me something. Quick!
Charis (smiling at something Lucy did): Hmm?
Me (standing in front of the TV and flailing my arms): Are you listening to me? You're supposed to be my muse. Inspire me!
Charis: (looking at me and flipping her perfect red hair over her shoulder): Listen: don't yell at me. I don't
have to be here, you know. Your cable is crap, and you never have anything decent to eat. Maybe I should go back to Bermuda. (She starts to stand up.)
Me (sighing and sitting down in front of the computer): No, no. Stay here, okay? I just need a blog post topic. Can you give me one? Please?
Charis (uncapping her fuchsia nail polish and filling the air with noxious fumes): You do this all the time, you know. Write about it. Simple.
Me (voice rising in frustration): Do what all the time? Write what?
Charis (suddenly beside me with her face two inches from mine; I notice she's been drinking my Pinot Grigio and make a mental note to apologize to my husband for blaming him): Write. About. What. You. Need. To. Do. In. Order. To. Write.
Me (thinking out loud): You mean like the post I did about my quirks, except this time focusing on my writing quirks? Hmm, that's not bad.
Charis (standing in the doorway): Of course it isn't. It's a great idea. Now if you'll excuse me, there's somewhere I have to be.
Me: Charis, wait! When will you be back?
But she was already gone.
* * *
Fast-forward to this morning:
I haven't seen Charis since last night. I hope she's not taking another three-month leave of absence. I've been mulling over a new story idea and could definitely use her help. Oh, well. She's fickle, but I like her anyway.
Anyway, as Charis suggested, today I'm going to write about some of my writing habits. I'm sure I share a lot of them with other writers, but some may seem a little quirky.
Photo by Petr Kratochvil
Courtesy of Public Domain Pictures |
1. As you might have noticed in my conversation with Charis, I'm a pacer. Whenever I get stuck on a scene or can't think of the right word or am having trouble with ideas, I get up and walk around. Something about the act of moving seems to help my mind break free of its clog so I can think again. I'm very specific about my pacing, though: it has to be done in a straight line, back and forth, and woe to the person (or animal) who gets in my way. Just ask our cat.
2. I write best in the morning, before everyone else is awake. I
do write late at night as well, but the words usually come more slowly and I find myself taking nap breaks. Sometimes those breaks last all night.
Image courtesy of John De Boer
rgbstock.com |
3. I can't begin writing in the morning unless I have a cup of coffee beside me. I don't have to drink it; it just has to be there.
4. I need silence when I write. Otherwise, I can't hear the voices in my head.
5. If my writing is going really slowly, I make myself work in 100-word bursts. I'll write 100 words, then get up, walk around, get a snack, read a few pages of some book... Seeing my word count increase this way makes me feel productive, even if most of the words will need to be tossed out later.
Image courtesy of Billy Frank Alexander
rgbstock.com |
6. When I write longhand, which I often do when I'm brainstorming a new idea, I cover about half of each page with doodles of flowers and faces. I don't know why.
7. Like most writers do, I usually keep a pen and a small notebook with me so that I can capture the ideas that come to me when I'm away from my computer. If I don't have a notebook, I'll write on whatever I can find--the backs of receipts, notes from my son's school, my hand, the arm of the guy standing next to me... (Okay, I only did that once. He wasn't as thrilled about my idea as I was.)
8. I always write the first draft of poems in longhand. I feel more connected to the words that way.
9. I have a bad habit of wanting the first page of a new story to be absolutely perfect before I move on to the next page. Even if I end up changing the beginning after the whole piece is written, I still need to polish it as much as possible before I can go on with the rest of the story.
10. I act out dialogue as I write it, facial expressions and all. (This is yet another reason I rarely write in public.)
11. When the words are flowing, I go into a writing trance, and when I come out of it, I sometimes find myself chewing on the neck of my shirt. I have no idea why I do this, but it's probably a good thing that my writing uniform consists mainly of old T-shirts.
So tell me, what are your writing quirks?