Beautiful fall! |
Happy Thursday, friends.
Thursday always feels like a wild card day to me. It's one of the two days each week when my daughter doesn't go to preschool, and it's also different from most of the other days because I don't have a set schedule to follow. It's almost a free day! As I was thinking about the things I need/want to get done today, I came up with this list of yeas and nays—and I learned that I can always find a lot of good if I take the time to look for it: ☺
♥ Project Runway All-Stars is on tonight. Yea!
♥ I'm way behind on my
NaNoWriMo project, but I'm still plodding along. Yea!
♥ I have to write the store list for our weekly grocery shopping trip. Nay.
♥ My daughter and I are going to the library today. Yea!
♥ Yesterday's weather was beautiful, so I took the kids outside to play after school. Today, however, it's gray and rainy—not an outdoor playday at all. Nay.
♥ On the other hand, back home they already have snow, so I guess a little rain is just fine—and the leaves are still pretty. Yea!
♥ I'm almost finished with the book I'm reading, so soon I'll be able to move on to one I've been waiting to read for a while, Ted Kooser's
Sure Signs: New and Selected Poems. Yea!
We can find them if we look: rainbows and silver linings! |
♥ Since I cooked so much this week and have tons of leftovers, I don't have to make dinner tonight. Yea!
♥ Mount Laundry is waiting for me downstairs. Nay.
♥ Today is a new day to get things right. Yea!
How about you? What are your Thursday yeas and nays?
Wishing you all a wonderful day. ☺