I found this meme—started by Ashley at
Little Miss Momma—during my travels around the blogosphere and thought it looked like fun. Happy Thursday, everyone!
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I'm weird because...
• I put hot sauce on my potato chips and popcorn.
• I have to use a comforter when I sleep, even in the summer.
• I can't sleep at night unless the comforter is covering my shoulders.
• I like onions and mustard on my grilled cheese sandwiches.
• I think Cheerios smell bad.
• I sing "
Janie's Got a Gun" when I clean the house.
• I am not a hugger (kids, hubby, and parents excluded, of course).
• I reserve a huge part of my brain for celebrity facts.
• I'm terrified of
house centipedes.
• I still have all my notebooks from high school and college.
• I'd rather shop for groceries than clothes.
• I don't like clothing or jewelry to be tight around my neck.
• I can't face my husband when I sleep; I feel like I'm breathing in his air.
• I can't start my day without making the bed.
• I talk to myself (and to my characters) all the time.
• I'm compulsive about checking (and sometimes rechecking) all the appliances before I leave the house.
Invasion of the toys! This is why I don't invite you over. ;-)
[My five-year-old son took this picture!] |
I'm a bad friend because...
• I wait for someone else to make plans.
• I rarely invite people over. (My house is usually a mess.)
• I sometimes get excited and interrupt other people.
• I'm not good with spontaneous plans. I like routines and schedules.
• I'm secretly glad when plans get canceled because then I can hang out at home.
• It sometimes takes me a while to return e-mails.
I'm a good friend because...
• I listen.
• I'm loyal.
• I like giving advice when I'm asked for it.
• I apologize when I'm wrong.
• I remember birthdays and other special days.
I'm sad because...
• my kids are growing up so fast.
• I sometimes feel like I'm failing as a mommy.
• I live 1,000 miles away from my family and only get to see them once a year.
• I never seem to have time to do everything I want to do.
• I still have a ton of laundry to do before our trip.
• I feel like I don't do enough with my kids.
• I wanted to lose a few more pounds before my vacation.
• my husband drank all the milk last night and now there's none for my cereal.
• I'll only have sporadic Internet access while I'm on vacation.
• I sometimes feel like I'm just spinning my wheels when it comes to following my writing dreams.
• Gossip Girl is ending after next season. (I know I mentioned this earlier in the week, but trust me, it bears repeating.)
Image courtesy of Sanja Gjenero, rgbstock.com |
I'm happy because...
• my kids tell me daily that they love me.
• I have so many wonderful blogging friends.
• I got my hair cut last Friday.
• my kids are healthy and happy and smart.
• It's almost time to visit my family.
• my kids like to sleep in.
• school's out, so I've been getting a little more sleep each night.
I'm excited because...
• my blogging friends gave me so many great book suggestions yesterday. (Thanks!)
• I'm going shopping for my daughter's birthday gift tonight.
• we'll get to celebrate my daughter's third birthday with my parents
• my friend is having a playdate for our kids this week—and we'll have Mommy time!
• I'll be seeing my parents in a few days.
How about you? What are you {blank} about today?