Monday, September 15, 2014

The one where Dana admits something

Finding my way... Photo courtesy of Mirna Sentic,
Happy Monday, friends.

I think it's finally time I admit something to you all—and to myself.

I'm not Superwoman.

I've always put a lot of pressure on myself to balance the many roles I play in my life: mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, blogger, writer, artist, etc. Up until just before my baby was born, I felt like I was holding on to all of these strings pretty well. I'm not anymore. I've let some of them slip—and I feel like a failure.

You might have noticed that I haven't posted in the last several weeks. I've tried so hard, but I can't seem to find a balance anymore, and my blogging (among other things) has fallen by the wayside. I can't keep up.

About a month ago, a fellow blogger asked me to help her out with a blog hop. I wanted to help, but I just couldn't. This person has been such a good friend to me, and I'm so sad that I had to let her down. That's not like me, and I feel terrible. I'm sorry for that.

I also apologize to those of you who read my blog. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I'm still searching for a groove, some way to fit all the elements of my life together, all of the roles I play. There's no reason I can't blog and be a mother—I've done that for many years—but after my third child was born, I lost my way and haven't yet found it again.

I guess I'm not Superwoman, even though I'd like to be.

I can promise this: I'll try to be around more, although I can't say when. (And I hate to admit that.)

One thing is for certain, however:

I will be back.

Wishing you all a beautiful Monday and a wonderful week. ☺


  1. Well I am glad that you are not superwoman, because that makes you human. Take all the time you need, for we are not going anywhere :-)

  2. Dana, you'll find a new groove soon enough. Maybe your new schedule will be that there is no new schedule - you'll blog when you can, when you feel like it. Maybe you'll spend more time visiting other blogs instead. Don't worry! :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  3. Take the time to be with your new baby and family - everybody understands and it is not a failure, life goes in cycles and this is just one cycle. Babies and children grow so quickly, don't lose out on watching them develop, bloggers will still be here.

  4. (((Dana))) I had noticed you hadn't posted, but I just figured you were busy as a mom. It is hard to juggle it all. I always tell people their priorities should be :

    God (if they have a relationship with him)
    Spouse (if married)

    Enjoy the time with the kids, as hectic as it may be, because you'll blink and they will be graduating high school :)


  5. I can barely keep up with my own life and I don't have any children to take care of. Nobody blames you, but we do miss you. Enjoy the time with your children. We'll be here when you have time.

  6. Don't apologize! Take your time. Do something else. Maybe you're evolving (don't you love that expression??).

  7. Life is too damn short to have so many plates in the air at once. Yet sometimes folks over-extend themselves, set unrealistic expectations and really, are so busy trying to have it all, balance every minute, that they're missing out on the good stuff, the actual living bits.

    Drop a few plates, I'm tellin' ya, it feels great.

  8. Dana, RELAX.... We've all been there. I was freaking out about this a few months ago...

    Then all of a sudden my life and blogging clicked back into place. I may not have the time I used to have to blog, but at least I show my face once a week or so.... Post when you can.

    We all started posting a lot in the beginning. I posted EVERY DAY for the first year! That was when blogging was really amazing.... four years ago. We all posted daily and visited each other all the time, but then something happened. We all GO BUSY. Other parts of our lives needed attention.

    WE ALL UNDERSTAND! NO need to apologize. Blogging is meant to be fun and enjoyable .... NOT stressful!

  9. You do what you need to do. Life is for living, and things go by too fast to miss anything important! I do wish you would add "Follow by Email" so when you post I would get an email notice of it. I love your posts! Hug.

  10. One of my friends once said, "I've learned I can have it all, just not all at the same time." Perhaps you can relate to that. : )

  11. We completely understand! No one is Superwoman. I find myself struggling to find time to blog and write when I work 2 jobs. Take time to be with your family and enjoy those precious moments. I'll still be here when you have time. :)

  12. I hope to see you around soon. Your posts always brought a smile to my face.

  13. Don't be so hard on yourself:) Pop in when you can and most of all be sure and do the things....YOU ENJOY!

  14. Blogging shouldn't be a chore, and we will be here when you return. Having a new baby gives you another (and more important) focus.

    Blogging takes so much time and energy ... not just posting, but all the visits, etc. I traded the past 18 months teaching preschool instead of blogging, because I couldn't do both. Plus, I was being creative in other ways. I quit my job a month ago, and am so happy to be back to blogging again, but I had decided long ago to not beat myself up for not having the energy for blogging. And, guess what ... when I came back, I was welcomed by my friends and noticed that other friends had also slowed down or stopped posting. Life happens!



    Kathy M.

  15. I'm just so glad that things are going well in your life. Would you believe that you are the only person that I started following during the 2012 A to Z that posts at all anymore. (Everyone I added in 2013 stopped blogging soon after April ended.)

    All I've been managing to do lately is to get a weekly quiz up so that people know I'm still around. And I'm not dealing with back to school, Halloween costumes, etc!

  16. we only have so many hours in the day - it's a difficult balancing act and we don't always get to do what we want to do because of all the stuff we have to do!

    you're still a super woman in my eyes! wish i lived closer so we could commiserate with each other over coffee =)

  17. I am so glad you have made this important discovery! Now, carry on with life, having learned you place within the cosmos. Have fun, and keep being a good mom and wife.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  18. Dana, you sweet girl! You are a busy mom with a newborn and you are entitled to put some things aside for awhile! Women have been snookered into thinking we can do it all, and we do eventually get to everything, but not at the same time! Be kind to yourself, and just enjoy your children. They will be gone so quickly!!! And don't feel bad any longer about the blog hop thing! I didn't have time for it either, but I did it anyway and I failed at it. So you were the smarter woman to know it was too much! Blogs are not the end all. Our families are. Much love to you!!

  19. Your blog will always be here but your babies are only small once :)

  20. All the best.We are always here whenever you come back..!

  21. No one can do everything all of the time. I truly believe that blogging should be something you enjoy; if it becomes stressful because it's one more thing to do then it's probably time to take a break. The internet isn't going anywhere.

    Have a lovely break, and we'll all be here when you come back.

  22. Keep up the good work! come follow me!

    My blog: Make It Up or Funny!

  23. You've made the right choice.. babies over blogging ;) Self care is important... being a mom who's present to her children is a challenge sometimes, but so worth it! And like you said, you will be back. :)

  24. This is the Bear, again. As you haven't put up a new post recently, I'm writing to check in with you. And hope things are OK.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  25. It's tough to try to juggle it all! I was just putting together my "Oh How I Miss You Blogfest" list. You are one of the bloggers I've been missing. When things slow down, I hope you're able to resume blogging. Babies are definitely more important than blogging, though! Hugs!

  26. Wishing you a very happy & Prosperous New Year ..Thanks for all the support! Keep writing! Keep lighting!…BEST PRAYERS FOR FUTURE!!

  27. you dont have to visit every single blogsite every single day, you dont have to spend hours daily trying to think of something to write, you dont have to do any of that. Sometimes several days go by before I even look at my own, let alone all the others. This should be fun, it should be a joy, not a chore.
    When it starts becoming burdensome. maybe you need to let the strings go for awhile. Like, now.

  28. Just thinking of you today, and wondering how you were doing. I hope you've found the balance you were seeking. :) Sending over a hearty hello!

  29. just checking in- I totally understand- don't feel like you are letting anyone down- you are making a GOOD DECISION! Cheers! Hugs to you and all your family!

  30. That is an extremely smart written article. I will be sure to bookmark it and return to learn extra of your useful information. Thank you for the post. I will certainly return.

  31. It's impossible to hold yourself to the standards of Superwoman. You need to take a deep breath and realize that no one is perfect. And that's ok. Just do your best and, most importantly, don't forget to take care of yourself.



  32. :-) I think you're being wise. We all have to set priorities. When the kids are little, it's easy to see where the priorities should be. You'll find your balance again, Dana. Please don't beat yourself over this. Hugs. :-)

  33. New Flash ! none of us are super heros. You are a mother and that is a lot of work. Wish you all the best with motherhood and life itself. Blog if you can and we will be happy to read, if not that is fine too. Relax!

  34. Stopping by to say hello, Dana. Hope all is going well. :-)

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