Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Brr... It's cold out there!

Happy Tuesday, all!

It's a cold, cold day here in western New York. Even though school just started up again yesterday, today the kids are enjoying an unexpected snow day, and since my son is home from school, I feel like I, too, have been granted a day off. There are some things I have to do, of course (laundry—ugh), but I think I'll also take the opportunity to do some fun stuff as well—like playing with the kids (my son kicks my butt in Mario Kart!), art journaling, and maybe even doing some work on a poetry project idea I've been kicking around. It'll be a nice break from the daily grind, and we all need that sometimes, right? What do you do when you get a break from your normal routine?

If you're also in the Polar Vortex, I hope you're staying safe and warm—and I hope you don't have problems like the guy in the video below. You've got to feel at least a little sorry for him. ;-)

Wishing you all a warm and wonderful Tuesday. ☺


  1. In Spain today we have a beautiful sunny day with 17 ยบ Celsius!

  2. Ah, yes. It's fresh, bracing, and brisk, with a little snow thrown in for graphic contrast. Today in the land of the Bear it's -24C (or -11F) — an improvement of about 10 degrees C from yesterday. We get this kind of weather regularly in the winter (and often cars won't start here, too). And, yes, there will be quite a bit of snow to shovel.

    Please stay warm, and put on good layers of clothing if you go out. But the plans you've made sound so much better than braving the elements.

    Hope you have a wonderful day, Dana.

    Blessings and (warm) Bear hugs.

    1. Stay warm, Bear! I remember winters like that from when I lived in Upper Michigan. I'm enjoying my snow day. I did some painting and a little writing and not a whole lot else so far. :)

  3. That is funny but sadly the way it is for many....

  4. Well, he did a good deed! Poor guy, though. Bill was just up in your neck of the woods. He actually goes to NY pretty often, from upstate, around the Finger Lakes, to crossing the Washington Bridge into the City. He also was in MA & ME, before going on to NH and VA. He was in the storm all the way. Take care of yourself!

    1. LOL I hope he sees it that way! ;)

      Thanks. The storms can get pretty bad around here sometimes. All my best to Bill. :)

  5. That video cracked me up! I am so glad to not have to scrape snow off a car anymore. It's really cold here, too, for FL anyway. The tortoises are spending a lot of time under the heat lamp. :)

    1. I hope you (and the tortoises) stay warm! :)

  6. Ha, ha - would it count as a random act of kindness?

  7. Ugh on the polar cold. The video was hilarious. This morning the driver side door was frozen shut on the hubby's truck. Can't wait for the weekend with temps in the 50's!

    1. Fifty degrees sounds heavenly! Our van's sliding doors get stuck sometimes, too. I suppose they are today—but I'm not going out to check. :)

  8. We're sitting tight and watching a movie, having some hot tea and quiet reading time this afternoon. I don't even want to go out and get the mail. -22 windchill right now. Funny video.

  9. I can totally relate to that guy!
    (I laughed out loud at the end) : )

  10. My normal routine is sitting with the laptop, doing school work all day. I take breaks to clean the apartment. haha When I'm not doing that, my boyfriend and I watch Netflix or he attempts to teach me how to play video games (I'm pretty good at Rock Band, on easy mode lol). I'd like to do more writing (especially poetry) but I need to find some inspiration.

    1. Sometimes inspiration is hard to come by. I've learned to look at my own mini-world—my everyday surroundings—to find a starting point. ☺

  11. Stay warm and enjoy your kids today!!!

  12. I feel you on the cold weather part. Except I still have to walk to class -_-

    Enjoy the day!!

    1. Ugh. I remember those days. I used to yell at myself for going to a college with a campus that was so spread out. Stay warm!

  13. That video was hilarious! Hope the other guy appreciated having a snow-free car when he came out! Stay warm! It's cold down here in Georgia, too. - 7 degrees this morning.

  14. Ha! Poor guy. I feel for him. Our town's been closed down for three days in a row now, and they've already canceled school for tomorrow too. At least we have power, so we're warm!

    1. It's really brutal out there. As far as I know, school is on for tomorrow here, but my sister in Michigan has had her kids home since Monday. They're getting a crazy long vacation!

      I'm glad you're doing well. Stay warm!

  15. I think our weather down here in Georgia is sort of like what weather up north is on a regular basis. I have no idea how people deal with this on a regular basis. All that I have learned from this is that I am a big ol' baby when it comes to cold weather, haha.

    I hope you enjoyed your day off, and a little Mario every now and then is totally called for.

    1. Indeed it is. Thanks, Caitlin. It ended up being a good day. :)

  16. I think the only Americans warm right now live in Florida

    1. That might be, although even one of my Florida friends was complaining on Facebook.

  17. One of the major reasons we bought our house (in Minneapolis) was that it had a 2 car garage! If I were that guy I think I would have just gone back inside and cried. Fortunately my husband was able to bring me to work (-15) and pick me up (-13) yesterday. According to my mom, included in the list of school, business, etc. closures was the statement that public libraries were staying open to ensure that homeless people had someplace to warm to be during the day. Hope you enjoyed your snow day with your kids!

    1. Isn't it great that libraries do that? Ours does, too. :)

      Thanks, Donna. It was a really nice day.

  18. being retired I don't really have a "routine" but when I have had to clean house BIG UGH and it's all done and shiny- I reward myself by making something fun to eat and reading...sometimes I don't get up til 10 'cuz I amd reding in bed- my favorite thing to do since I was a kid! Cheers!

    1. Oh, that sounds wonderful! I used to love reading in bed, too. :)

  19. LOL; I figured that would happen halfway into the video. Brrr with all the cold temps across the majority of the country. (I will not say what our temp was today or earlier this week, let's just say it was pleasantly warm and sunny). Wise for the schools to close and keep the kids and parents safe and out of the cold! Good idea to make it a day to have fun!

    When I have unexpected down time, so to speak, I usually find myself on the computer more than I should be, LOL :)


    1. I find myself in the same place, Betty. The Internet just lures me in. LOL

  20. It was a good day to be inside catching up on blogs and writing. Funny video, Dana. Hearing the scraping of ice off the window and mirror brought back memories of those cold mornings when I was heading to work. Ahh -- nice not to have to worry with that.

    1. I was able to get my husband to go outside yesterday and clean off the car for me since I knew I'd be using it this morning. It's not my favorite job... :)

      Happy Wednesday!

  21. I can't believe how cold it has been lately! Burr!!! My sister gave me the boxed set of Friends for Christmas (yay!!!), so lately a lot of my down time has been devoted to watching it. I justify it because the cold weather makes me really sad and miserable and watching Friends makes me happy. :-)

    1. I love that show; it makes me happy, too! No matter how many times I've seen it, it just never seems to get old. Enjoy!

  22. we finally went back to school today - yes, definitely coooold! yet my dumb teenage sons won't wear hats and gloves. they deserve the frostbite they will get!

    ah well... happy new year!! stay warm!

  23. That video is priceless! I LOVE snow days (which are non-existent in Florida). I say take full advantage and enjoy the time with your son.

  24. Trailer: Oh man, wouldn't that frustrating? I got to admit I laughed though.

  25. It is crazy how cold America us because of the polar vortex. It sounds like something out of a sic-fi film.
