Thursday, January 26, 2012

Surprised by the Muse

Today's 100 words:

For most of this week, I've struggled with writing. Although I've been sitting at the computer each night, wanting to create, my spirit hasn't been willing. Nearly everything I've done is probably best suited for the recycle bin, but I'll keep it anyway because one just doesn't know.

Last night, however, was different: the muse graced me with an idea, and I took that idea and worked to shape it into something worthwhile. While the result is not the best poem I've ever written, one thing is true: it's a wonderful thing to be surprised by the muse.


  1. She must have been feeling frisky becaue she visited me too.

  2. It truly is a wonderful thing! I've been struggling here myself, I have to say.

    1. I hope you're able to get back on track soon. *HUGS*

  3. Today's rubbish, is tomorrow's home. Never throw it away and never consider it wasted. I know of writers who kept everything, just in case at some point in the future they could use it, if only as an idea.

    1. You're so right! I think I have nearly everything I've ever written, much to the consternation of my husband, who hates clutter of any kind.
