Sunday, April 29, 2012

Harvesting words

Happy Sunday!

Since today is a day off from the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, I wanted to share a post I wrote on July 11, 2011. Like the posts I've been writing for the challenge, this one is about one of my favorite things: collecting words.

I'll see you tomorrow with the letter Z!

"The words! I collected them in all shapes and sizes and hung them like bangles in my mind." ~Hortense Calisher, Extreme Magic

Like most writers, I'm in love with words. I collect them. Whenever I hear or read one I particularly like, either because of its sound or its meaning or the thoughts or memories associated with it, I write it down, filing it away in my collection. Sometimes I bring these words out when I want to freewrite, using one as a prompt and seeing where it takes me. Other times I simply read my list, enjoying the sound and beauty of the language.

One of the first words I absolutely adored was identification. I was very young, but I remember reciting that word over and over again, spelling it out loud in the car and during dinner. When I couldn't spell or say it aloud--when I was brushing my teeth, for example--I would recite it over and over in my mind. I loved--and still do now--the cadence of the word, the way it feels on the tongue; the rhythm it makes as it's spelled, all of the letters pairing up so neatly: id-en-ti-fi-ca-ti-on. I must have driven my parents crazy...

Do you harvest words? What's your earliest memory of a word you love?


  1. I've always collected words. Great post, Dana. Actually I collect Names. Used to have a list, but not sure what I've done with it.

    1. Thanks, Fran. I collected names when I was pregnant--had quite a list!

  2. Love words! Earliest... Cellar door... two words actually, but, oh well...

    Another wonderful connection. Thank you!

  3. I've never collected words. This is a very inspiring post. I need to start being more intentional with my writing. This is one thing I've learned during the A to Z Challenge. Thanks, Dana.

  4. When I was a kid, I read the word "ethereal". After asking my mom how it was pronounced, it became "my" word. I would say it over and over again while walking to school.

  5. My "big" word from childhood was antique. We were driving through some old town and there were so many stores...several of them with the word "antique" in their names. I was very little. It was difficult to pronounce. I wondered, pondered, got my nerve up and finally said to my dad, "Hey, look at all the ant-e-q stores." (Say it just like I wrote it to get the full effect, please.) Everyone in the car burst out laughing. Loved that word ever since and to this day, I visit antique stores whenever I get the chance:)

    1. Funny! It is a pretty-sounding word--whatever way you say it!

  6. When I was a kid, I liked the word, "Magnanimous." It just sounded cool, and I liked its meaning.

  7. That's a great word! I remember really loving names of Egyptian rulers. Also, one I used for a title of a story when I was a young teen: juxtaposition.

    1. Another great word! I'm starting to think the great ones outnumber the bad. ;)

  8. First memory of a word I loved. Wow, I need to think about that one, interesting question!

    S / http://

  9. For sure I collect words - love them! Serendipity was one of my first favorite words. I liked the way it sounded and what it meant.

    1. I love serendipity! That's another one on my list.

  10. I don't harvest words per se but I like the sounds of some words (and of course none come to mind at the minute, LOL :) I remember as a "young one" liking Mississippi; spelling it, seeing it spelled; not sure what attracted me to it though :)

    looking forward to seeing what your Z is :)


    1. I felt the same way about Mississippi. I thought it was fun to spell!

  11. Spontaneous combustion. Learned it in 5th grade. The combination of those two words totally fascinated me. :)

    1. That term reminds me of Charles Dickens. It seems like so many of his characters would spontaneously combust!

  12. "Akimbo" -- I was fascinated that there was an actual word to describe that position. [side note -- did anyone else learn to spell Mississippi this way: M-i-crooked letter-crooked letter-i- crooked letter-crooked letter-i-hump back-hump back-i ]

    1. I did! I'd forgotten all about that. Thanks for reminding me.

      Akimbo is one of those strange but perfect words. Love it!
